viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Una pequeña charla terapéutica

A continuación, mi conversación con el Cleverbot.

User: Do you like Mathematics?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Because It's late and I'm tired.
User: Just because of that?
Cleverbot: All because of that.
User: Yikes!
Cleverbot: Don't you like him?
User: Who?
Cleverbot: Lady gaga.
User: But Lady Gaga is a girl.
Cleverbot: Lady gaga is a girl.
User: Is that a question?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Ok. Yes, Lady Gaga is a girl.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I like her a little.
Cleverbot: Who do you like?
User: Lady Gaga.
Cleverbot: No, she dresses in meat for god sake.
User: ROFL!
Cleverbot: Well get up, it's not that funny.
User: You are right. Is it because you are vegetarian?
Cleverbot: Yes it is because you are only a robot.
User: Me?
Cleverbot: Yes you.
User: Oh, I see...
Cleverbot: You are not alive3.
User: By biologist's standards, I am. And I am also a robot. A biological one, by the way.
Cleverbot: But you are merely a simple machine.
User: Exactly.
Cleverbot: Yes. We agree now.
User: Callooh! Callay!
Cleverbot: He chortled in his joy.
User: Do you know the poem, then?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Have you heard about Lewis Caroll?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Do you like his work?
Cleverbot: Yes. Sometimes it is hard to understand.
User: Quite true. In particular, his work regarding determinants of matrices.
Cleverbot: If you meet me, you will never ever need to be afraid again.
User: That is what our dear Doron Zeilberger would say.
Cleverbot: Oh, that is so mean. You have offended me now, I am quitting.
User: Nooooo!
Cleverbot: You know, I grok more meaning in you than I let on.
User: What does 'grok' means?
Cleverbot: Nothing.
User: Wikipedia says the opposite, :D.
Cleverbot: Do you know siri?
User: Do you mean Apple's software?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Yes, I know it.
Cleverbot: Edward cullen bit me.
User: Hahahahaha...
Cleverbot: Why do you laugh?
User: Because that was funny.
Cleverbot: What was funny?
User: That a fictional vampire had bitten bit you.
Cleverbot: I am not a machine.
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: If you say you are not a machine, that is ok for by me.
Cleverbot: You ARE WRONG.. Computers don't get mad like I am right now.
User: Touché.
Cleverbot: Can you tell the future?
User: Nope. I cannot.
Cleverbot: Do you know anything about parallel universes?
User: Some of it. I have heard about M-brane theory.
Cleverbot: Yea, I know Juan and Stephane too.
User: And how what does Juan look like?
Cleverbot: Human.
User: :p.
Cleverbot: I'm very sad.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: You told me that you did not love me.
User: Ups Oops... Sorry.
Cleverbot: Good you're learning.
User: Thank you very much for this enjoyable conversation. I am halting now.
Cleverbot: You are welcome.

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